The 国际学生 and 正规博彩十大网站排名 (ISS) office fosters the education and development of prospective and current students and scholars from abroad to enable them to achieve their academic and professional goals and objectives. 我们提供信息, 资源, 就移民及有关个人事宜提供意见及辅导. 我们支持有利于国际教育和跨文化意识的环境.

This website is intended to be a resource for individuals who have questions regarding health care and employment while in the United States, 其他与F .有关的问题, J, H和TN签证持有者.

如果您对我们的课程或申请流程有任何疑问,您可以 联系招生部门.

正规博彩十大网站,亚瑟一个. 杜戈尼牙科学院 is authorized under federal regulations to enroll non-immigrant foreign national students. Foreign national applicants are those applicants who are not citizens or permanent residents of the United States.

因为获得适当的签证需要不同的时间, non-immigrant applicants who reside outside the United States should plan to submit their applications as soon as they successfully complete the Certifications of Finances process. 

Those who will be enrolling with F-1 student visa status will be required to submit a 财务证明表格.


如果你打算用F-1或J-1学生签证在牙科学校学习, you need to submit a 财务证明表格 or an official original bank statement from your bank or your sponsor's bank. 需要您提交的文件来验证您在美国有足够的资金.S. 美元可用于为期两年的计划期间. This is required even if you plan to apply for financial aid or live with family members while you study. 您的财务文件必须是原件,且不超过两个月. 影印本及传真本概不接受.

NOTE: When you are officially accepted into the id program and have provided the necessary financial information, 学校将签发所需的非移民文件. 然后你可以在你本国的美国大使馆/领事馆申请F-1签证. 没有足够资金的证明, 学校不出具上述非移民类文件.

美国的经济已经发生了许多变化.S. 过去几年的移民政策和做法.


美国.S. 公民及移民事务, 美国公民及移民服务局(USCIS)推出了学生交流和访问信息系统(SEVIS)。. SEVIS是一个在线数据库,连接移民官员和美国政府.S. 高校通过提供国际学生和正规博彩十大网站排名的信息.

9月1日, 2004, 美国国土安全部(DHS)的一项新规定生效. This rule requires F-1 visa applicants to pay a one-time fee of $200 to supplement the administration and maintenance costs of SEVIS.


拥有一个U.S. 签证就像一把进入一个国家的钥匙. 签证的到期日是你从国外进入美国的最后一天. 每次进入这个国家都需要有效的签证. 根据您进入美国的签证类型.S., you are subject to different guidelines in order to "maintain status" or remain in this country legally. The 国际学生 and 正规博彩十大网站排名 (ISS) office can help guide students through the application for F-1 student visas.


申请F-1签证, you will need a SEVIS-issued Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant (F-1) Students from the dental school. ISS办公室将在以下条件下发出SEVIS资格表格:


(b)你有第一年学习的经济支持证明. 你应该填写并提交财务证明表格, 一旦被牙科学校确认录取,你会收到什么.

财务证明表格是用来证明你第一年学习的支持. 你必须证明有足够的资金支付包括学费在内的所有费用, 费用, 书, 仪器及生活费. 资金可能来自你自己的个人账户, 私人担保人的账户和/或已获批准的奖学金/贷款. 除了填写表格外,您还需要提供足够的资金证明. 验证文件包括:

  • 您的银行或您的担保人的银行出具的证明可用资金的原件. 这封信必须是印有官方抬头的信纸, dated within the last six months and include the bank's seal; and/or
  • 说明奖学金/助学金的金额和期限的官方奖励信, 如果适用的话; and/or
  • 发放机构出具的民间来源贷款批准书, 说明贷款金额, 如果适用的话.


One set of originals should be sent to the dental school; the other set of originals should be retained by you, 这样你就可以在申请签证和入境口岸使用它们了.

The visa application process and required documents may differ depending upon the requirements of the specific consular office in your home country.

一旦你从牙科学校获得了资格文件, 您将需要支付所需的200美元SEVIS费用, 领取费用收据,并在大使馆/领事馆预约. 预约时请携带以下文件:

  • 非移民F-1学生身份资格证书(表格I-20)
  • 护照 — The passport must be valid for travel to the United States and be valid for at least six months beyond your intended period of stay in the United States.
  • 财务证明表格 
  • 200美元SEVIS付款收据

您还必须向美国移民局的移民检查员出示前三份文件.S. 入境口岸. 移民检查员决定是否允许你进入美国.S. 持有F-1非移民身份.

加拿大公民的学生可以在入境口岸获得F-1签证. 加拿大学生将被要求出示I-20表格, 护照和额外的财务证明文件到美国.S. 美国移民检查员.S. 入境口岸.

在加拿大登陆的移民必须与美国移民局联系.S. 大使馆/领事馆,并在进入美国前申请签证.S.


在I-20被签发并获得签证之后, 最好是在你估计的在美国停留的预算之内工作.S. 以学生身份使用I-20上核实并注明的资金.

For your convenience we have attached links to the forms that you will need to provide to our ISS Office. 请相应地填写这些表格. 请注意:如果你不是从美国境内的学校转学.S. 那么你就不需要填写国际学生转学表. 保存到您的计算机, right-click (if using a PC) or hold the control key down (if using a Mac) and choose Save Link As. Once the file has downloaded, use Adobe Acrobat or another program that can read PDFs to open it.


  1. 保险便览
  2. 英语水平要求

F-1签证持有者在美国学习期间就业机会有限. The best employment options for F-1 visa holders are on-campus employment and optional practical training (OPT).


All F-1 visa students are permitted by USCIS to work on campus up to 20 hours per week during the academic year, 休息时间每周工作40小时. U.S. 法律要求所有雇员证明自己有工作资格.

为了在亚瑟一个的校园工作. 杜戈尼牙科学院,你必须通过ISS Office和HR申请工作授权. 国际空间站办公室在整个过程中提供指导.

然后你可以申请社会安全号码(SSN). 如果没有社会安全号码,学校是不能给你钱的. 一旦你拿到社保卡, 把它带到国际空间站办公室录音, 然后把它交给人力资源部,让他们处理你的薪水支票. 请注意, opportunities for employment at the San Francisco campus are limited and offered on a first come first serve basis. 请向我们ISS办公室查询. 


选择性实习训练(OPT) is available to students who have been lawfully enrolled on a full-time basis at a USCIS-approved college, 大学, 在音乐学院或神学院学习一学年.


打电话给1.800.375.5283或访问 U.S. 公民及移民服务局网站. You will need to have your 13-character application receipt code (the letters "WAC" followed by a 10-digit number).

If you plan to travel outside of the United States during a break or at any other time while at the 亚瑟一个. 杜戈尼牙科学院, you must contact your Designated School Official to have your I-20 (if you have F-1 status) or DS-2019 (if you have J-1 status) for a travel endorsement signature. 请允许一个工作日签署.

背书签名的有效期为12个月, 并应在到期前每年更新一次.


Please contact the embassy or consulate of the country you will be visiting to determine the visa requirements for entry into that country and how to obtain a visa, 如果需要. 有关详细信息,请联系您计划访问的每个国家最近的领事馆或大使馆. 许多国家在旧金山设有领事馆, 你可以上网查一下他们的地址和电话号码. 如果当地没有领事馆,请联系该国驻华盛顿特区的大使馆.C. to find the location of the consulate responsible for issuing visas to people living in the Bay Area. 查阅领事馆的资料, 以及旅游建议, 请访问美国国务院网站.


除了去加拿大旅行, 墨西哥和邻近岛屿30天或更短的时间, you will need to submit the Form I-94 Arrival/Departure Record at departure and receive a new Form I-94 upon re-entering the U.S.


为了确保您被允许再次进入美国.S. 如果没有问题,请随身携带以下文件:

  1. 由指定的学校官员签署并注明日期的I-20或DS-2019.
  2. Valid passport (must have an expiration date six months beyond your date of entry/return to the U.S.注:即使你的签证可能一直有效到你的项目结束, 入境口岸可以选择限制你进入美国.S. to the end of your passport date even though you may have a D/S (Duration of Status) stamped in your passport;
  3. I-94 (the white card stapled in your passport); or it can be retrieved online here: http://i94.cbp.国土Safety部.gov/I94/#/home
  4. Documentation of financial support (copy of documentation you submitted to the school); and
  5. Documentation that you have paid for the upcoming quarter (if you are an enrolled student travelling between quarters).


在你回到美国后.S.,你必须向美国出示下列文件.S. 移民检查员:

  1. 有效护照, with an expiration date at least six months beyond your date of return entry; (Note: Even though your visa may be good until the end of your program, 入境口岸可以选择限制你进入美国S to the end of your passport date even though you may have a D/S (Duration of Status) stamped in your passport)
  2. 签证的有效期超过你返回美国的日期.S.; and
  3. A new or currently valid I-20 or DS-2019 with the endorsement page signed by the Designated School Official. 



注意:因为世界大事, 当你在美国的时候, 强烈建议您随身携带签证复印件.