

总统 Christopher Callahan’s goals to improve social justice and diversity and to make 正规博彩十大网站 a model anti-racist institution will take the efforts of all members of the university community.


卡拉汉校长指示每所学校和学院指定多样性, 公平和包容(DEI)领导, 加入亚瑟王. 杜戈尼牙科学院, McGeorge法学院和工程与计算机科学学院, 哪些国家已经有了这样的领导者.

Here are some of the recent DEI successes in the university’s schools and colleges.

亚瑟一个. 杜戈尼牙科学院


Dugoni学校有一长串已完成的, 正在进行的和长期的DEI计划和倡议. Affinity groups have been formed (such as the Hispanic Student 牙科 Association and an LGBTQ+ club). 分发了一份关于人文主义和人文主义的调查报告,目前正在编制调查结果. Black 历史 Month initiatives include a partnership with the School of 药店's White Coat for Black Lives organization.

该校正在与全国有色人种协进会(NAACP)在当地的分支机构发展合作关系, National Urban League and the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in the Sciences, 在其他组织中. 人称代词运动和多样性周也在酝酿之中.

托马斯J. 龙药学院

DEI负责人:Marisella Guerrero,助理教授

The School of 药店 has a key role in DEI efforts with Dean Rae Matsumoto serving as the chair of the 搜索 committee for the new VPDEI. Students, faculty and 工作人员, meanwhile, are immersed in positive DEI efforts, Guerrero said. 学校正在将DEI原则纳入课程作业中, holding virtual Lunch and Learn sessions to explore social issues and has formed a departmental DEI committee.

In the works is an additional paragraph in the Pledge of Professionalism that students take during their White Coat Ceremony. The proposed text would read: “Advocate for a truly equitable healthcare system through identification and elimination of bias, standing against discrimination and learning social determinants to improve health care.”


DEI lead: Veronica Wells, professor and head of library re搜索 and learning services

DEI对大学图书馆馆藏的审计于1月正式开始. Student interns were hired to assist in the analysis of the library collection and the art collection. Among the areas being sampled are: Humanities, Social Sciences, Music, STEM, Education, and Medicine. 作者或编辑的身份也受到审查, 主题, 以及出版商的首席执行官或总裁的身份. 其目标是:分析约4000本图书,并分享最新发现.

其他部门DEI工作包括对学术公地的审计, 有论文, 论文和许多其他出版物, deeper analysis of John Muir’s life and works a book club on DEI topics (now paused during the audit process).


DEI负责人:Laura Hallberg,教育创新助理教授

工作组由教员组成, 工作人员, adjunct instructors and administrators on the Stockton and Sacramento campuses, 现在合作项目对学生开放. Benerd于2月11日举办了一场包容性文化静修活动. 19 that was facilitated by Allison Roland of Courageous Projects (she is an associate of Hallberg’s). 还有一个读书俱乐部,会员们会阅读与神相关的作品.

“到目前为止,它运行得很好,”霍尔伯格说. “我们试图不让它成为一个专注于正规博彩十大网站排名的表演团体. 参与和协作的程度非常高.”


DEI领导:Scott Jensen,副院长兼教授

The DEI work is wide spread among 18 departments working on initiatives, programs and opportunities. 从化学到英语再到历史, 各院系正在研究DEI在课程中的应用, 教学法和教学大纲. 太平洋学院(太平洋学院)也在审查招聘做法. 英语专业学生的市政厅会议集中讨论DEI问题.

太平洋学院的教授, 在教与学中心的帮助下, 与校园组织勇敢黑人之声(Brave Black Voices)进行研讨会对话. “18个部门有很多工作要做, 但人们对这些努力感到非常兴奋,很多人都在做出贡献,詹森说.


DEI负责人:Sacha Joseph-Mathews,市场营销副教授

Eberhardt has created a Student Advisory Committee to focus on positive DEI outcomes for students. A “listening tour” will seek thoughts and concerns in the Eberhardt School about DEI-related issues. Eberhardt also is creating ways for students to know who to reach out to on DEI matters.

A series of dialogues titled “Courageous ESB” will focus on issues faced by people of color and others who are marginalized. 埃伯哈特还在努力与当地黑人建立持续的关系, 西班牙和亚洲商会. The school will change its senior survey to incorporate more DEI-related questions.


DEI负责人:Gabriella Musacchia,助理教授

学校进行了一项多校区调查,发现学生, 教师和工作人员对重点领域的看法基本一致. “The survey has helped guide our work and has provided us with clear direction for diversity, 公平与包容,穆萨奇亚说. 这项调查定义了大学DEI政策, community outreach and maintaining an open and supportive environment as priorities.

The school’s DEI five-member committee will embark on long-term goals including addressing systemic disparities for people of color and other marginalized groups in health care. Health Sciences also teams with the pharmacy and dental school to share DEI-related learning opportunities.


DEI负责人:Rachael Salcido,多元化倡议副院长

从2月9日开始,麦克乔治大学举办了多元化周. 1-5,有一系列的演讲者和活动. 本周以团结核心小组峰会结束, 麦克乔治的学生亲密团体在哪里开会讨论DEI问题. Included was discussion about racism targeting Asian-Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic and mental health disparities for Black students.

McGeorge plans an anti-bias and allyship program that will include lawyer/comedian Irma Herrera, 前民权律师. 她以神为主题的节目名为《正规博彩十大网站》?”



SOECS has multiple diverse student organizations that continue to be active on DEI issues and opportunities. 美国女工程师学会(SWE), Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) and National Society of Black Engineers (NESBY) have been collaborating on events and initiatives, 洛佩兹说. 踏入商业领域的小组讨论, 其中包括两名正规博彩十大网站毕业生, 是最近与黑人历史月同时举行的.

3月4日, SOECS将在STEM活动中举行第二次DEI, 其中包括84岁的前美国宇航局宇航员何塞·埃尔南德斯. The school continues to enhance its pipeline to junior colleges and high schools with an eye on opportunities for diverse students.


DEI领导:萧飞林, associate professor and program director for music therapy and assistant dean for diversity, 股本, 和包容

在秋季学期进行了三次影响深远的演讲之后, 音乐学院将继续由Dr. Philip Ewell’s series on “Confronting Racism and Sexism in the Music Academy.这学期,他的演讲将集中在 LBGTQIA歧视,反犹太主义,以及我们前进的道路.

The Conservatory’s DEI efforts include three Black Lives Matter support concerts. The Conservatory also is working with 大学图书馆 on to audit and chronicle music scores over the years.



研究生院的招生团队已经转入招生管理. 纳什说,DEI的活动在新的情况下继续保持强劲. 该团队阅读了Ibram X的《正规博彩十大网站排名》一书. Kendi and has met weekly to discuss topics raised and create a work environment that follows the book’s tenets.

A new 研究生 Student Ambassador Program was implemented to have diverse students involved intricately in the recruitment of students. 有22名学生报名参加了这个项目. Nash said recruiting practices were analyzed with an emphasis on getting and hiring more candidates of color.