
郑承娥(承雅贞)在韩国出生和长大. 在成长过程中, 她梦想着去美国接受教育, 16岁时, 她在剑桥上了高中, 麻萨诸塞州. 高中毕业后, she completed her undergraduate studies in cellular and molecular biology at the University of Michigan and earned her DDS 学位 from the UCLA School of Dentistry in 2022. In her spare time, she enjoys traveling, going to the movies, and visiting theme parks.


克里斯汀罗出生于加州圣巴巴拉,在加州萨拉托加长大. 她毕业于加州大学, Davis in 2018 with a bachelor of science in cell biology and a minor in managerial economics. 她在正规博彩十大网站(正规博彩十大网站, 亚瑟一个. 杜戈尼牙科学院,2022年. 她很高兴能在Dugoni学校接受她的正畸住院医师培训. 在她空闲的时候, 她喜欢做衣服, 练习射箭, 去海滩, 与朋友和家人共度时光.


埃莎·帕特尔在硅谷出生和长大. She completed her undergraduate education in biological sciences at the 正规博彩十大网站 as part of the acceler- ated pre-dental program. 艾莎继续她在亚瑟牙科学校的教育. 杜戈尼牙科学院 where she was inducted into the Omicron Kappa Upsilon honor society. Outside of school, she enjoys traveling, staying active at the gym and oil painting. Esha is excited to return to the University for a third time to complete a residency in orthodontics.


杰夫·罗塞斯在加州弗雷斯诺出生并长大. 后来,他进入加州大学打大学高尔夫球, 在圣地亚哥,他得了B.生物学学士学位. 在加州大学圣地亚哥分校完成学业后, he obtained his DMD from the Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health (ASDOH) and graduated in 2022, 成为家里的第一个牙医. He is excited to be back in California and honored to be able to pursue his dream of becoming an orthodontist at the Dugoni School. 在他空闲的时候, 杰夫喜欢在户外打高尔夫球, 徒步旅行, 锻炼身体,探索旧金山湾区的新家.

安德烈Tran在加州的圣克拉拉出生并长大. He earned his under- graduate studies in biochemistry at UC Davis before completing his DDS 学位 at the 亚瑟一个. 杜戈尼牙科学院. 毕业后, he spent one year working as a general dentist before returning to the Dugoni School for orthodontic residency. 在他空闲的时候, 他喜欢打和执教竞技排球, 在新开的餐馆吃饭,看勇士队的比赛.


艾娃Vakili在加州半月湾长大. 她在加州大学伯克利分校学习生物人类学!). 正是在这里,她第一次对颅面研究产生了兴趣. She went on to get her masters at Rutgers University in Biomedical Sciences and worked in biotechnology before matriculating at the UCSF School of Dentistry. At UCSF, she was involved in the American Association of Women Dentists and various outreach groups. 在她空闲的时候, 艾娃喜欢旅行, 制作, 烹饪和参加团体运动课程. She’s thrilled to be staying in the Bay Area and is excited for her future as an orthodontic resident at the Dugoni School. 


亚许沙玛在密歇根州卡拉马祖长大. 他完成了他的B.S. in Biopsychology, Cognition, and Neuroscience at the University of Michigan and his M.S. 韦恩州立大学. 然后他去了波士顿,在塔夫茨牙科医学院完成了他的医学博士学位. 在他空闲的时候, he enjoys golfing, playing tennis, and exploring new restaurants around the city. 作为第一次坐过山车的人, he is excited to be a part of the Dugoni School community for his orthodontic training and to explore the beauties of Northern California.


乔纳森·斯塔利在内华达州的斯帕克斯长大. He completed his undergraduate studies with a Bachelors 学位 in Exercise Science at Brigham Young University in 2018 and earned his DMD from the University of Nevada Las Vegas School of 牙科 Medicine in 2022. He was married to his high school sweetheart in 2017 and have since welcomed two children with a third on the way. 兴趣爱好包括与家人共度时光, 任何类型的游戏, 做任何运动, 尤其是高尔夫和棒球, 他是湾区运动队奥克兰运动家队的超级粉丝, 旧金山49人队, SJ鲨鱼和金州勇士.



我在科威特出生和长大. I pursued my dream of a dental 学位 overseas at the University of Manchester, UK. I’m honored to join the Dugoni School family in furthering my dental ambitions of becoming an orthodontist. 在我空闲的时候, I enjoy exercising, traveling and learning through new experiences. 我是打乒乓球长大的,还参加过几年职业比赛. If anyone would like to challenge me to a game of table tennis, I’m sure I’d be up to the challenge!


我在加州的高尔特长大,毕业于高尔特高中. I later earned a biology 学位 from UC Santa Barbara and received my DDS 学位 from the 亚瑟一个. 杜戈尼牙科学院. After graduating in 2020, I spent the next three years practicing general dentistry in Lodi, CA.  我很高兴能开始我的正畸教育. 不做牙医的时候, 我喜欢骑摩托车, 山地自行车, 露营,陪我女朋友, 家人和朋友. 


我在加州萨克拉门托的郊区长大. 我在内华达大学学习分子微生物学和免疫学, 在里诺,我遇到了我的好妻子, 朱莉. I obtained my DDS 学位 at UCSF where I fell in love with all that 旧金山 has to offer. 毕业后, 我在拉斯维加斯做普通牙医, 在内华达州住了一年,同时欢迎我的女儿, 伊丽莎白, 融入家庭. I am ecstatic to return to 旧金山 via the Dugoni School orthodontic residency to begin a career that revolves around patient interaction. 离开学校的时候, 我喜欢花时间和家人在户外,在城市里吃东西. 


我在密歇根出生长大. I attended the seven-year dental program at the University of Detroit Mercy and graduated with my DDS in May 2023. I have had re搜索 experience in CBCT analysis of the airway and malocclusion during my time in dental school. 在我空闲的时候, I enjoy horseback riding, playing piano and violin, and traveling with my family. 我的两个梦想是住在加利福尼亚并学习牙齿正畸学, 所以我很幸运能在Dugoni学校做到这两点. :)


我在加州圣地亚哥出生并长大. I graduated from UCSD in 2017 with a BS in physiology and neuroscience and a minor in business. 我在犹他州的罗斯曼健康科学大学获得了医学博士学位, where I received multiple awards for my re搜索 work and was inducted into the Omicron Kappa Upsilon honor society. I am grateful to be back in California to continue my education at the Dugoni School for my orthodontic residency. 在我空闲的时候, I enjoy baking, exploring new coffee spots, traveling and karaoking with friends. 


我在加州的斯托克顿出生并长大. 我在正规博彩十大网站完成了本科和牙科的学习. 毕业后,我自豪地在美国做了一名牙医.S. 海军服役三年. 在我的职业生涯之外, 我喜欢喝一杯煮得很好的咖啡, 跟着阿拉伯和美国音乐跳舞, 和我的爱人一起探索新的美食,环游世界.


我出生在台湾台北,在加拿大温哥华长大. I attended the University of Pennsylvania as a member of the seven-year bio-dental program, 我两个B都是在那里拿到的.A. 在生物学和我的博士学位.M.D. 学位. I am thrilled to return to the west coast to begin my orthodontic training and to explore a new home with the Dugoni School family for the first time in seven years! 在我空闲的时候, 我喜欢骑自行车。, 烹饪, 了解鲜为人知的历史事实,看看新开的餐馆.


我来自加州科斯塔梅萨. 我在普罗沃的杨百翰大学开始了我的本科学习, 在去巴西做了两年的传教士之前. Upon returning from Brazil, I graduated with a bachelor’s 学位 in exercise science. 同时我也被Dugoni学校的牙科专业录取了, 我被选为海军卫生专业奖学金项目的成员. 我以优异的成绩毕业,不久之后, began my military service aboard Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune in North Carolina. My second tour brought me home to Orange County where I completed my service at Camp San Mateo aboard Camp Pendleton in Southern California. I enjoy athletics, surfing and visiting national parks with my wife Kellene and our three children.