Diabetes care for the Stockton community

University of the Pacific has partnered with the Abbott Fund, the foundation arm of health care giant Abbott, 通过建立雅培基金正规博彩十大网站排名项目来对抗斯托克顿的糖尿病危机. 该项目支持斯托克顿市有抱负的医疗保健和社会工作者.   

合格的学生将获得奖学金,并专注于糖尿病的改善项目. 他们将获得糖尿病护理和管理的深入知识,并获得糖尿病预防的能力, management and education.   


Receive a scholarship for up to 50% of tuition cost

What is the Abbott Fund Scholarship Program all about?

雅培基金奖学金项目是正规博彩十大网站和雅培基金之间的合作项目, the foundation arm of the Abbott global healthcare company, to help combat the diabetes crisis in Stockton. 该奖学金的目的是帮助获得更多训练有素的医疗保健专业人员,为斯托克顿社区的糖尿病医疗保健和管理领域服务.     


Who is eligible for the scholarship?

To be considered for the scholarship, 你必须在大斯托克顿地区生活或工作,并表现出作为糖尿病保健和管理领域的医疗保健提供者为斯托克顿地区服务的愿望.


I live/ work near Stockton (Lodi, Lathrop, Manteca). Can I also be considered for this program?

是的, 如果你生活或工作在“大斯托克顿地区”(斯托克顿市及周边社区), you will be considered eligible for the scholarship.


How can I apply to the program?

The application process varies per program. Please check each program's application process below. 


When will I find out if I have been awarded the scholarship?

录取决定会在你的课程开始之前公布. 请与您的项目联系,以了解确切的决定通知日期.


What are the requirements and commitments of the scholarship program?

你还必须承诺从你的项目毕业后在斯托克顿工作, for a minimum of two (2) years. 


How will my study program be different as an Abbott Scholarship student?

As an Abbott Fund Scholarship recipient, 你将完成帮助你获得糖尿病预防能力的课程, management, and education. Additionally, 您将被指派一名临床顾问,并与斯托克顿的临床合作伙伴一起完成您的体验式学习.


How much is the Abbott Fund Scholarship?

该奖学金涵盖了您在太平洋临床营养学硕士注册的合格课程的学费的50%, Entry-Level Master of Science in Nursing, and Master of Social Work).


If I receive the Abbott Scholarship, will this reduce other financial aid I might also be eligible for?

Possibly. 获得此奖学金将降低您的出勤成本,这可能会影响您可能有资格获得的其他经济援助的金额. For more information, contact our Sacramento Financial Aid Office.


When/ how will I receive the scholarship?

Once approved to receive the scholarship, 你将获得奖学金,在你有资格获得奖学金的每个学期,你的账单的学费部分有高达50%的折扣.

Master of Nursing Scholarship
Entry Level Master’s in Nursing Program

入门级护理硕士项目(ELMSN)的学生是雅培基金正规博彩十大网站排名,他们将获得奖学金,并专注于糖尿病的改善项目. 该项目将探索斯托克顿的糖尿病预防、教育和管理. A limited number of Abbott Fund scholarships are available each term. 


  • 申请人必须居住在大斯托克顿地区,并通过接受完成项目课程和为斯托克顿社区服务的组织的高级临床浸入来证明为斯托克顿服务的意图.
  • 申请者同意毕业后在斯托克顿工作至少两年.

Financial Benefits

  • 符合条件的学生将获得高达学费50%的奖学金.

Service Commitment

  • 雅培基金的正规博彩十大网站排名毕业后将在斯托克顿市从事护理工作.

How to Apply

Applicants that have submitted their application to the ELMSN program and 被邀请参加面试的学生是否会被邀请通过电子邮件邀请申请雅培基金奖学金. The scholarship application includes:

  • 6 short-answer questions
  • 3-page essay

一旦学生被录取,雅培基金正规博彩十大网站排名计划的申请就会被审查. 有关如何以及何时提交申请的更多详细信息将包含在电子邮件邀请申请中.

Master of Science in Clinical Nutrition

临床营养学理学硕士(MSCN)项目的学生是雅培基金正规博彩十大网站排名,将获得奖学金. They will complete all their supervised clinical rotations in Stockton, CA, or the immediate vicinity. 他们将把重点放在探索糖尿病预防上, education, and management serving the Stockton population.

Master of Science in Clinical Nutrition Scholarship


  • 申请人必须居住在大斯托克顿地区,并通过接受在服务斯托克顿社区的组织中完成监督临床实践经验(SCPE)来证明为斯托克顿服务的意图.
  • 申请者同意毕业后在斯托克顿工作至少两年.

Financial Benefits

  • 符合条件的学生将获得高达学费50%的奖学金.

Service Commitment

  • 雅培基金奖学金获得者预计毕业后将在斯托克顿市从事与营养相关的工作.

How to Apply

Applicants must submit their application to the MSCN program and be invited to an interview. The scholarship application includes the following:

  • Six short-answer questions
  • Three-page essay

一旦学生被录取,雅培基金正规博彩十大网站排名计划的申请就会被审查. 有关如何以及何时提交申请的更多详细信息将包含在电子邮件邀请申请中.

Social work program
Master of Social Work

社会工作硕士(MSW)项目的雅培基金正规博彩十大网站排名学生将获得奖学金,并在MSW项目的医疗保健专业中完成糖尿病护理和管理的子专业. 本专业专为有兴趣从事以糖尿病预防为重点的健康社会工作的学生设计, education and management in Stockton. In addition, 参加城市固体废物项目的雅培基金正规博彩十大网站排名将完成一个系列研讨会, an elective course, 一个顶点项目和31周的糖尿病护理和管理现场实习. 


  • 申请人必须在斯托克顿居住或工作,并通过接受在服务斯托克顿社区的组织中完成MSW实习来证明为斯托克顿服务的意图.
  • 申请者同意毕业后在斯托克顿工作至少两年.
  • 学生必须在申请奖学金之前被MSW项目录取.

Financial Benefits

  • 符合条件的学生将获得高达学费50%的奖学金.

Service Commitment

  • 雅培基金正规博彩十大网站排名毕业后将在斯托克顿市从事健康或与健康相关的社会工作.

Application Procedure

  • 感兴趣的学生将在进入城市固体废物计划时完成雅培基金正规博彩十大网站排名申请.