August 19, 2020

Dear Pacificans,

I hope this communication finds everyone safe, strong and ready to tackle an exciting new academic year at our university. 在我们的社区和国家继续抗击COVID-19之际,这不是我们任何人想象的起点, 但我相信我们会有一个伟大的——尽管非常不同的——秋季学期.

When I wrote to you during my first few days in office in early July, 我谈到了迅速解决社会公正问题的必要性以及多样性的核心价值, equity and inclusion are practiced at our university.

50天前,我上任的第一天与黑人教职员工进行了广泛的对话,讨论了自我国建国以来,美国黑人在全国各地面临的巨大的社会不公正和系统性的种族主义,以及这些问题在正规博彩十大网站的表现. In the following days and weeks, 我曾与黑人学生进行过深入的个人和集体对话, faculty, staff, administrators, alumni and Regents as well as other Pacificans of color. While I continue to learn about our university’s past and present, 正规博彩十大网站——像许多大学一样——努力改善我们校园里的社会公正. And we — also like many universities — have fallen woefully short.

During our conversations, I have been asked whether we should tackle these issues widely, on a universitywide level, or in a more targeted way, by campus, college and division. My answer is simple: yes. Social justice is core to our values and principles, 因此,我们必须从横向和纵向两个方面寻求提高我国大学水平的途径, within and among all stakeholder groups.

In my inaugural communique, I noted that conversations, committees and platitudes about “doing better” were no longer sufficient. I wrote that we needed action — both immediate and long term. Given that imperative, 我想宣布一系列旨在促进多样性的新举措, equity and inclusion across Pacific. 请知道,所有这些想法都来自你们——我们充满激情的学生, inspiring faculty, tireless staff, talented deans and administrators, 奉献的董事和忠诚的校友-唯一的目标是使正规博彩十大网站成为一个更好的生活场所, learn, work and grow. 如果我们不仅想改善我们的校园氛围和文化,这些只是我们必须采取的许多步骤的第一步, 但也要成为全国高等教育的领导者和反种族主义大学的典范.

  • 设立负责多元化、公平和包容的内阁级副总统. DEI问题太重要了——影响太深远了——不可能是一个人的责任. 但我认为,有一个内阁级别的行政人员专门负责这些问题是必要的第一步. We will create a committee made up of faculty, staff and students to launch a national search for Pacific’s first VPDEI. We do not envision this person operating a large bureaucracy, 而是作为一个有责任和义务的思想领袖,帮助将最佳做法和我们现有的倡议结合起来,使太平洋成为一个更好、更具包容性的机构. The VPDEI will be a direct report to the president. 正规博彩十大网站将成为西海岸仅有的两所拥有DEI副校长的大学之一.
  • New Board of Regents Policy on DEI. The Pacific Board of Regents, under the leadership of new Board Chair Norman Allen (’88, ’94), 上周投票一致通过了一系列新的社会公正政策倡议. They include:
    • Launching new efforts to increase diversity in the board’s membership.
    • 确保董事会会议有机会探讨校园包容和种族偏见问题.
    • 要求对所有影响多样性的大学政策和做法进行定期审计, inclusion and racial equity.
    • Overseeing a review of the university’s history, policies and practices regarding social justice issues.
    • 指导学术带头人审查和修订与各级社会正义相关的课程.
  • Appointment of School-Level Directors of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. 社会正义问题在不同的学科中以不同的方式表现出来. 国际研究中处理社会公正问题的方法可能与工程学非常不同, 同样,音乐和艺术的方法可能与牙科不同, law or pharmacy. 太平洋的学校和学院将任命他们自己的校级DEI领导. The Dugoni School of Dentistry, 麦乔治法学院(McGeorge School of Law)和工程与计算机科学学院(School of Engineering and Computer Science)在这方面走在了前面,已经在各自的学院内设立了指定的多元化官员.
  • Mandatory annual DEI Training for Faculty and Staff. 学术委员会和工作人员咨询委员会将考虑正规博彩十大网站是否应该对教职员工进行强制性的年度DEI培训. I am mindful of the workload on our employees, but too often such training, when only voluntary, 吸引了最不需要培训的人,却错过了最需要培训的人. 鉴于这些问题对我们的核心原则和价值观的重要性,强制性培训值得认真考虑.
  • Elimination of Standardized Tests for Undergraduate Admissions. 研究发现,ACT和SAT标准化考试中存在社会经济和文化偏见. 我们有一项临时政策,在未来两年里,标准化考试成绩是可选的. I have asked the provost, 负责招生管理的副校长和学术委员会探讨永久取消正规博彩十大网站的入学考试.
  • New Protections Against Racial Discrimination. The university’s Policy Prohibiting Sexual Misconduct, 《正规博彩十大网站排名》在一定程度上是为了满足《正规博彩十大网站》的联邦要求, which offers protection against sex- and gender-based discrimination. I am asking Title IX coordinator Elizabeth Trayner, in collaboration with the University Committee for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (UCDEI), 制定新的政策和程序,为防止种族歧视提供明确而有力的保护, racial harassment and microaggressions at our university.
  • Open Dialogue and Interactive Workshops on Law Enforcement. University Ombuds Hector Escalante and Dr. 咨询和心理服务的卡尔顿·奥勒将主持一系列互动研讨会,旨在将公共安全部门与学生联系在一起, faculty and staff to build organizational cultural competence, promote understanding and create an ethos of student care.
  • Recruitment and Retention of Diverse Faculty and Staff. I have asked Deborah Freeman, director of affirmative action and equal employment opportunity, to report to the Cabinet quarterly on new hires, promotions and employees leaving the university, identified by race. 我还会请她和加州大学圣迭戈分校就如何改善我们对有色人种教职员工的招聘和保留提出建议. Furthermore, all managers and supervisors — including deans, 副校长和我——作为他们年度评估的一部分,他们在招聘和留住不同教职员工方面的成功程度将会被衡量.
  • DEI Measures in Annual Evaluations. 我已要求我们的人力资源办公室与加州大学洛杉矶分校合作,在年度员工评估工具中制定一个部分,以衡量与多样性有关的各种原则和行动, equity and inclusion for each Pacific employee, with a focus on best practices.
  • Fundraising Scholarship Campaign for Black Students. 校董会主席诺曼·艾伦正在进行个人捐款,发起一项筹款活动,以帮助正规博彩十大网站招募和支持更多的黑人学生. 大学发展和校友关系办公室将与艾伦主席合作开展“提升每一个声音”捐赠奖学金计划. 这将是对其他有色人种学生太平洋奖学金的补充, 包括对黑人工程专业学生的支持,这是由Regent Janet Y创立的. Spears.
  • New DEI Programming for Students. 学生生活部正在为学生举办数十个新的项目和活动,重点关注多样性问题, equity and inclusion. They include training and workshops on bias response, cultural humility, microaggressions, intercultural competency, LGBTQ leadership, gender equity, resilience, meditation and faith as well as events to improve the success of Black, Latino, Native American, Asian American and first-generation college students.
  • University Libraries. 大学图书馆将对其全部馆藏进行多样性审计,以确定种族代表性方面的差距, gender, sexual orientation, ability and other traditionally marginalized perspectives. The goal is to diversify the collection to ensure that students, 教职员工可以访问反映我们社区经验和观点多样性的材料. In the meantime, Pacificans can access Resources on Bias and Racism in America, 在我们的收藏中突出了一些种族正义和神灵相关的标题.
  • University Committee for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. This committee, which includes faculty, staff and students, will be at the center of new DEI initiatives, exploring longer term strategies to improve social justice at Pacific. I will meet with UCDEI each month. 院长委员会还要求与UCDEI定期举行会议,以探讨和协调新的想法和倡议. UCDEI正在支持一个新的每周系列节目,关注社会正义问题,并发起了一个#LetsTalkTuesday社交媒体活动. The committee can be followed on Instagram and Facebook.

In addition to these universitywide initiatives, 太平洋共同体内的其他领导单位也采取了一系列行动. They include:

  • ASuop. The student government, led by new President Randi Holguin, created a Department of Diversity, 正规博彩十大网站联合学生的公平与包容. 这个新部门旨在弥合来自代表性不足和非传统背景的学生群体与大学之间的差距,并为这些学生群体提供支持. Additionally, 美国大学参议院文化能力委员会正在与学生进行焦点小组研究, faculty and staff. 校长奥尔金将在大学多元化、公平和包容委员会任职.
  • Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry. The Dugoni School, which already has an assistant dean for admissions, student affairs and diversity, is adding a new position of diversity and outreach manager. Additionally, the school is hosting unconscious bias training for faculty, a series of DEI-themed educational programming, a new Instagram account focused on diversity at Dugoni, 一项关于DEI问题的内部宣传活动,以及一项新的筹款活动,旨在为有色人种学生提供奖学金.
  • Benerd College. 本纳德学院将举办一系列以DEI问题为重点的便利讲习班,并设计一个关于“重塑警务”的春季研讨会.”
  • College of the Pacific. 学院将召集黑人学生探讨他们在COP的经历, 目的是制定部门层面的行动计划,以解决关注的问题.
  • Conservatory of Music. The conservatory has brought to the university Philip Ewell, 亨特学院音乐理论教授,研究音乐与种族的关系, 作为驻校访问正规博彩十大网站排名,探索如何对抗音乐中的种族主义和性别歧视. 音乐学院也在采取新的有意识的努力,包括布莱克的作品, 原住民和其他有色人种的研究以及改善对多元化教职员工的雇用.
  • Eberhardt School of Business. The Eberhardt School is creating a new course, “Race and Ethnicity in Business,” and launching a new mentoring program for students of color.
  • Graduate School. The Graduate School expanded its diversity recruitment, focusing on Historically Black Colleges and Universities, 拉美裔服务机构和正规博彩十大网站的有色人种本科生. 该校还在扩大与加州研究生教育多样性论坛(California Forum for Diversity in Graduate Education)的合作关系,并正在对研究生助学金进行审计,以提高公平性.
  • McGeorge School of Law. McGeorge, which already established an associate dean for diversity position, 同时也支持学生多元化培训,将其作为入职培训和必修课程的一部分. In addition, 麦克乔治成立了一个多元化事务委员会和包容与多元化中心. 麦克乔治还在进行一项多样性审计,以探索学校DEI问题的各个方面,并与多个DEI培训项目和演讲者签订了合同, including sessions in implicit bias, stereotype threat and racial and gender issues in legal academia. Additionally, 这位院长将多元化和包容性倡议作为法学院筹款工作的核心.
  • School of Engineering and Computer Science. SOECS正在努力扩大其成立两年的多元化和包容性办公室, 该组织与斯托克顿服务不足学校的初中生和高中生合作. 学校还保证从圣华金三角洲学院(San Joaquin Delta College)进入SOECS,并通过同侪辅导计划为低收入家庭的学生提供经济支持.
  • School of Health Sciences. 正规博彩十大网站最新成立的这所学校正在成立一个DEI委员会,跨部门工作,专注于增加教师和员工的多元化招聘工作. 该学院还在设计新的招生策略,以增加学生的多样性.
  • Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy. Pharmacy is conducting town halls to receive feedback from students, alumni, 教师和工作人员在DEI问题上,并为学生提供文化敏感性培训. The school also is reviewing its core curriculum to focus on DEI topics.
  • Pacific Athletics. 太平洋是本月早些时候西海岸会议制定的一项开创性新政策的直言不讳的支持者——这是NCAA一级体育赛事中第一个多元化招聘承诺. The “Russell Rule,” named after social justice advocate and NBA and WCC star Bill Russell, 要求10所WCC学校在所有体育总监的决赛入围者中至少有一名代表性不足的社区成员, senior administrator, head coach and full-time assistant head coach searches.

请知道,所有这些努力只是一个开始,我们将努力成为一所模范的反种族主义大学和全国多样性的领导者, equity and inclusion in higher education. I am thankful to the many Pacific students, faculty, staff, administrators, alumni and Regents who contributed their time, thoughts, ideas and experiences. Through my first 50 days of listening and engagement, 我被整个大学围绕社会正义问题的热情和能量以及让太平洋变得更好的愿望所感动, more inclusive university. Now it’s time to get to work, together.


Christopher Callahan